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Co-Creation |
Open innovation is not limited to using ideas from competitors and other industries. It can go as far as involving the customer in the creation of the product. In fact, some of the world¡¯s top thinkers in the fields of strategy and innovation believe this trend could represent the next big wave in business. |
The Buzzword of the |
Businesspeople everywhere are increasingly realizing that innovation is the key to continued success. Financial restructuring has run its course. Applying ¡°me too¡± information technology to conventional problems is a requirement merely to stay in the game. Operational excellence, while always important, is now delivering ever-diminishing returns as we address smaller and smaller opportunities. |
Where the Jobs Will |
Despite all the headlines about layoffs and lost jobs, the reality is that there is no shortage of jobs in America. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts there will be 10 million more jobs than workers by the end of this decade. |
The Worth of Water |
ÀúÀÚ | Gary White ¿Ü |
ÃâÆÇ»ç | Portfolio |