The Name Game |
What¡¯s in a name? Often it¡¯s where your enterprise finds its strength and identity. It used to be when you started a company, you put your name on the door and over the factory. |
Science Is Profoundl |
Since 1945, mankind¡¯s worst nightmare has been nuclear weapons. But, for the next generation, the worst nightmare is likely to be biological weapons. |
Robots that Feel Our |
According to the International Federation of Robots, industrial robots are now a $6 billion a year market, and another $12 billion is spent annually on software and support systems for them.1 |
Anti-Science and Pse |
We hear about science every day in the news, but few of us stop to consider what it is ?both at its best and at its worst. |
Gamers of the World |
A new book numbers the new generation that follows the older Xers and the Baby Boomers at 90 million. They represent what we¡¯ve called the Millennial generation, plus a large proportion of the younger Xers. |